Customer Reviews

Peregrine delivers the goods in Cozumel.
by John O'Donnell on 11/26/2020
I purchased the Peregrine for a 11 dive trip I took with Dressler Divers in Cozumel in November. I wanted to get certified for Enhanced Air and didn't need an Air Integrated computer as I was going to use the equipment the resort provided. First it comes in a nice case and generous wrist strap + wrist bands and tools to attach the strap as well as an extra screen protector (one is already applied). It also has a USB charging pad and support for Bluetooth. I had the best luck with the firmware update using my iPad Air3. Since I was using the resort equipment I set the computer for meters and Celsius; it supports both and can be changed before each dive, It will not switch the logs back and forth from ft to meters. It keeps the log for that dive in either ft or meters. You can also see the first dive is a 15 min test they did to 278ft for QC. The assent arrows and safety stop are exactly what I was looking for and the NDL for multiple dive days and surface interval tracking.

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