Customer Reviews

Better than a cutting torch to clean a mask!
by Mr.Charles ANTHONY on 8/19/2021
Readers; This antique diver is getting back in the sport, and found things have CHANGED over the decades-scuba masks for one. Then I find the makers put silicone OVER the glass. Now you have to take it off for full function of the mask.UGGH! so a check of 'how' shows everything from toothpaste to a butane lighter!!!! Knowing there is a sane method, I hunted and found this item. I bought it, got it, and used it on my new mask. I followed the label directions, and could not see any change. The anti fog 'juice' was next, and that works ok. So, you will have to trust the maker that the remover works. At the worst, it did not set the mask on fire!

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