Customer Reviews

Video, Photos and excursions
by Scuba Bob on 8/9/2016
This is a great flashlight for mounting for photograph and video. It is wide enough to light up everything the camera sees even when zoomed out. It has 4 levels for different conditions. Very small but very bright. Switch has a color coded LED ring the indicates the condition of the battery. Would also make a great S&R light for scanning areas or for safe cave or wreck dives since it will light up much of the interior and not just a tiny area. You can also get a Wide (not extra wide) and narrow head and swap them around it your diving new location that has different lighting needs. The button is easy to find. Also comes with an attachable yellow and red (two separate items) filter the snap on the end for non-white lighting if you camera requires it. I think it is also suppose to not disturb the animals as much but I have no evidence of that. It will get warm pretty quick when not used underwater but not really hot enough to be that dangerous. Thinner par fits mounts/holders.

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